lördag 18 januari 2014

Psycho-pass definierar anarkism! Samt citerar Max Weber!

Började kollade på animen Psycho-Pass. Utspelar sig i framtiden, ett AI system har satts på plats som stat. Överallt i städerna finns det scanners som läser av allas "psycho-pass", en enhet som sitter på varenda medborgare i Japans arm.

Varning för spoiler under synopsis.



The series takes place in the near future, when it is possible to instantaneously measure and quantify a person's state of mind and personality. This information is recorded and processed, and the term "Psycho-Pass" refers to a standard used to measure an individual's being. The story centers around the "enforcement officer" Shinya Kougami, who is tasked with managing crime in such a world.

In the future, it is possible to quantitatively measure a person's emotions, desires, and every inclination. In this way, it is also possible to measure a person's criminal tendency factor, which is used to judge criminals.

This is the story of a team of policemen dedicated to maintaining public order. Some of them work in the Enforcement Division, responsible for the apprehension of criminals, while others belong to the Supervisory Division which oversees their colleagues in Enforcement.

Read more at http://myanimelist.net/anime/13601/Psycho-Pass#bQsEWBLKqpBZz5Kp.99


The series takes place in the near future, when it is possible to instantaneously measure and quantify a person's state of mind and personality. This information is recorded and processed, and the term "Psycho-Pass" refers to a standard used to measure an individual's being. The story centers around the "enforcement officer" Shinya Kougami, who is tasked with managing crime in such a world.

In the future, it is possible to quantitatively measure a person's emotions, desires, and every inclination. In this way, it is also possible to measure a person's criminal tendency factor, which is used to judge criminals.

This is the story of a team of policemen dedicated to maintaining public order. Some of them work in the Enforcement Division, responsible for the apprehension of criminals, while others belong to the Supervisory Division which oversees their colleagues in Enforcement.

Read more at http://myanimelist.net/anime/13601/Psycho-Pass#bQsEWBLKqpBZz5Kp.9Synopsis
The series takes place in the near future, when it is possible to instantaneously measure and quantify a person's state of mind and personality. This information is recorded and processed, and the term "Psycho-Pass" refers to a standard used to measure an individual's being.

In the future, it is possible to quantitatively measure a person's emotions, desires, and every inclination. In this way, it is also possible to measure a person's criminal tendency factor, which is used to judge criminals.

This is the story of a team of policemen dedicated to maintaining public order. Some of them work in the Enforcement Division, responsible for the apprehension of criminals, while others belong to the Supervisory Division which oversees their colleagues in Enforcement.

Vidare är det kriminellt att bara tänka på att motsätta sig systemet. Upptäcks detta av en scanner blir personen tvingad att genomgå terapi och annan behandling. 

I avsnitt 16 får man dock reda på att det inte alls är en AI som sitter i kärnan av systemet och tar alla beslut och avvägningar om människornas psycho-passes. Det hela är en stor scam, i stället är det 247 mänskliga hjärnor, inuti vattentankar, direkt inkopplade med elektroder till sig som fortlöpande övervakar och bedömmer varenda persons psycho pass. Därmed har dem total makt i sin samverkan.

Hjärnorna kan digitalt hoppa in cyborgs som representerar dem. När en av karaktärerna får sanningen förklarat för sig av en representant påpekar han att det alltså bara är en aggregerad grupp hjärnor som tar godtyckliga beslut avhängiga på bristfälliga mänskliga egon, och inte alls ett rättvist/opartiskt system av robotar som allmänheten har letts till att tro, och därför accepterat det. 

Representanten svarar dock att systemet visst är ändlöst rättvist, eftersom "we judge and supervice people as those who transcend mankind, the first qualitification to be a constitutent member of the Sibyl system is to have irregular personality that doesn't fit in with mankind's coventional standards". 

Men det är ju fortfarande ett godtyckligt kriteri som de satt upp för att avgöra vad som är rättvist/opartiskt.

Hursomhelst, de tar endast in personligheteer som inte kan mätas av systemet, så kallade "asymptomatiskt kriminella". Dessa utmärker sig genom sin unika ideologi och värderingar. Vidare, eftersom de inte kan övervakas och bestraffas av systemet är det enda logiska att de står utanför systemet, ovanför det, har hand om det. Det är en bunt mördarare, och värre, som tagits in en efter en, pga deras "unika" och "individuella" tankesätt. De har bedömts kunna bidra till och hjälpa systemet evolvera.
"We should be proud of the nobility of this mission that fate has charged us with." 
Sound familiar? I dagens värld är detta tyvärr långt ifrån sci-fi. En liten grupp av de värsta kriminella psykopaterna har kapat samhället, och bedrar systematiskt folket med vad de egentligen är och har för sig. Dessutom står de över lagen.


The series takes place in the near future, when it is possible to instantaneously measure and quantify a person's state of mind and personality. This information is recorded and processed, and the term "Psycho-Pass" refers to a standard used to measure an individual's being. The story centers around the "enforcement officer" Shinya Kougami, who is tasked with managing crime in such a world.

In the future, it is possible to quantitatively measure a person's emotions, desires, and every inclination. In this way, it is also possible to measure a person's criminal tendency factor, which is used to judge criminals.

This is the story of a team of policemen dedicated to maintaining public order. Some of them work in the Enforcement Division, responsible for the apprehension of criminals, while others belong to the Supervisory Division which oversees their colleagues in Enforcement.

Read more at http://myanimelist.net/anime/13601/Psycho-Pass#bQsEWBLKqpBZz5Kp.99
I avsnitt 19 gick jag full ut i extas, då de nämner anarkism och definerar det korrekt därpå! Sedan följer citat från Max Weber, hujedamig!

"professor:[...] By the way, what would you say is the definition of anarchism?
Shinya: It's a denial of government and authority, but different from flat-out chaos and disorder.
Professor: That's right. It's about denying an inhuman control system and building a more human system. Makishima is close to being an anarchist, but since he delights so much in destruction, he's somewhat different to the original meaning of the word.
Shinya: An inhuman control system... Sibyl, then?
Professor: If I were to borrow Max Weber's words, ideal bureucrats are those who intently perform their duty without anger or fondness, without hate or zeal, and without love or personal predilection. In that sense, the Sibyl System may be close to the ideal bureaucratic administration. But that's assuming that all the details we know about Sibyl are true.
Shinya: Makishima told me on the phone that he came to know the true form of Sibyl. He said it wasn´t something worth putting my life on the line to protect.
Professor: Let me quote a little more from Max Weber. Bureaucratic administration dominates the people through knowledge. Technical knowledge and practical knowledge. Keeping that knowledge increases their superiority. [..]

Börjar vid 7m 55s - kolla till 11:18. 

Denna serie rekommenderas för den person som läser denna blogg - många tilltalande filosofiska och politiska inslag. Karaktärerna citerar Bentham, Foucault, till och med Weber bara i detta klipp. 

Här är hela transcript på sektionen:


The series takes place in the near future, when it is possible to instantaneously measure and quantify a person's state of mind and personality. This information is recorded and processed, and the term "Psycho-Pass" refers to a standard used to measure an individual's being. The story centers around the "enforcement officer" Shinya Kougami, who is tasked with managing crime in such a world.

In the future, it is possible to quantitatively measure a person's emotions, desires, and every inclination. In this way, it is also possible to measure a person's criminal tendency factor, which is used to judge criminals.

This is the story of a team of policemen dedicated to maintaining public order. Some of them work in the Enforcement Division, responsible for the apprehension of criminals, while others belong to the Supervisory Division which oversees their colleagues in Enforcement.

Read more at http://myanimelist.net/anime/13601/Psycho-Pass#bQsEWBLKqpBZz5Kp.99
Professor: I looked through the information you brought with you. I can see why you you´re having trouble.
Shinya: What's your assesment of him?
Professor: If there's such a thing as political offenders in this society managed by the Sibyl System, this man would be one of them. Terrorists, anarchists, agitators, suicidal revolutionaries with no interest in the people...There's not a decent man among them. By the way, what would you say is the definition of anarchism?
Shinya: It's a denial of government and authority, but different from flat-out chaos and disorder.
Professor: That's right. It's about denying an inhuman control system and building a more human system. Makishima is close to being an anarchist, but since he delights so much in destruction, he's somewhat different to the original meaning of the word.
Shinya: An inhuman control system... Sibyl, then?
Professor: If I were to borrow Max Weber's words, ideal bureucrats are those who intently perform their duty without anger or fondness, without hate or zeal, and without love or personal predilection. In that sense, the Sibyl System may be close to the ideal bureaucratic administration. But that's assuming that all the details we know about Sibyl are true.
Shinya: Makishima told me on the phone that he came to know the true form of Sibyl. He said it wasn´t something worth putting my life on the line to protect.
Professor: Let me quote a little more from Max Weber. Bureaucratic administration dominates the people through knowledge. Technical knowledge and practical knowledge. Keeping that knowledge increases their superiority. Makishima is trying to strip that superiority away. And he almost succeded. Those riots pushed society right up to a very dangerous line. And the Ministry of Welfare made some sort of proposal to Makishima. However, he refused that proposal. I'd like to talk to this Makishima guy sometime in a session recorded on video or audio.
Shinya: For your research?
Professor: He doesn't interest me in that way yet. It'd be purely to help your investigation. If Makishima was here right now, how do you think he'd join our conversation? He would... probably respond by quoating Foucault or Jeremy Bentham the moment you quoted Max Weber.
Makishima: Is it really a "system"? Or more like a huge prison? The Panopticon...A facility that allows you to observere everyone at once. Sibyl is its worst possible form. You can control the maximum number of prisoners with the minium number of guards
Shinya: He might even quote Gulliver's Travels. He's a cynical man with a distorted sense of humor. I see. So he lampoons science and politics that have become too advanced. He's that kind of man."